Sunday, 21 December 2008


Right everyone,
THIS IS IT!! It’s the end of 2008 and time to start a brand new year. For me, The New Years Eve Party is one of the biggest events of the year and I am sure for most people it’s the same. For those of you that will be hosting house parties this year but don’t quite have your music sorted yet... Don’t Fear!!! Cause DJD is here!!! All you need to do is to invite your mates, sort out the refreshments and you are good to go!
I have worked out two mixes to get your party going, have a count down to 2009 and a Great mix to take you into the New Year. If you want a flawless playlist, just do the following:
Download my “BEST OF 2008” and the “2009 COUNTDOWN” mixes onto your IPod or MP3 Player or even play it through your computer. These two mixes need to played one after the other, with “BEST OF 2008” first and then “2009 COUNTDOWN” What ever you play it on, hook it up to the biggest nastiest sound system you can get your hand on, I’m talking about SERIOUSLY PISSING OFF YOUR NEIGHBOURS!!!
Start playing “BEST OF 2008” EXACTLY 7 seconds atfer 9:30pm.(sorry about the 7 seconds, but I was trying to get as close as possible) The mix is two and a half hours long and will take you up to 11:59:30pm which leaves approximately 30 seconds to the Midnight Countdown. The Second mix, “2009 COUNTDOWN” has a 30 second intro that have a Countdown in before the mix start playing. There for, NO NEED TO COUNT, cause DJD sorted it all out for you. Just remember, you wont be able to stop the mix or skip to songs you like, because then it wont work out. Alternatively the "2009 COUNTDOWN" mix can be used on it's own and should be played at 30 seconds before midnight. Unlike some of my recent releases, this mix WILL fit onto a CD. This new mix is full of old clasics that's recently been remixed for EVERYONE to enjoy!!
Hope you have a GREAT NEW YEARS EVE BASH and won’t be able to remember ANYTHING in the morning.
Happy New Year and see you in 2009!

DJD xx

P.S Just click on the title of this story to be redirected to the mix!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

BEST OF 2008

There is not much time left of 2008 and in all honestly, I think it’s been a great year for music! I have never heard so many old classics that made a comeback and it’s been great listening and also mixing my old time favourites again. I therefore decided to do a mix with all my favourite songs from the mixes I have done this year to give 2008 a proper farewell. If time permits, I will do one last mix for this year for New Years Eve. Apart from the fact that this mix has all my favourites in of 2008, it is also the longest mix that I have ever done, by far. It’s TWO AND A HALF HOURS long!!! The downfall of this mix is that unfortunately it will not fit onto a CD due to the length of it, but fit’s perfectly onto an IPod or any other MP3 player. So if you are looking for something to get your New Years Eve party going... Here we go! Have one on DJD!!
Big Kiss
DJD xx

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Well, it’s getting quite close to New Years Eve now which is the second biggest party of the year... with my Birthday still at the number one spot of course!!
Time to get in the mood for a good boogie to say goodbye to 2008 and hellooooo 2009!!
I went clubbing with my mates in Amsterdam this past weekend and I was ready to get in the mood for New Years Eve, but I was DEEPLY disappointed!! The music was absolute shiiiit! All I wanted to do was to jump into the DJ box, beat up the DJ and plug my IPOD into the sound system... I didn’t do it though, but what I did do was to upstage him by putting together a GREAT mix for December. This mix has a theme to it, it starts with the same song that what it ends with and it works really well. Yet again, there is some fantastic remixes of old songs in. It starts with funky vocal house, turn very funky electro and then end up in vocal again. Personally I LOVE all the tracts in this mix. Well, with no further adduce, I am very pleased to announce my December mix... “INFINITY”

For those of you that wonder why there is an number 8 turned on it's side on the artwork for this mix... well, that is the universal sign for infinity.
Hope you all enjoy it and that it put right in mood for dancing in the Holiday season!
Big Kiss
DJD xx

Thursday, 13 November 2008


This mix is full of GREAT songs!! In true DJD style there is some fantastic new remixes of old songs and some great new once. The mix start with funky vocal house, turn into nice hardcore electro towards the end and then end off with a very funky happy song. I must admit that I had major difficulties mixing this mix, because sometimes the beats just don’t match up, no matter what you do, so there was a LOT of playing around, but nothing has been edited, it’s a live mix from beginning to end!! I went through so much trouble with this mix, from collecting the right playlist to mixing it all in that I felt I really went out of my way this time, that extra mile, ABOVE AND BEYOND! So that’s all I have to say about this mix. I really hope you enjoy it!!

Friday, 7 November 2008


Hey boys and girls.
Well, I decided to let you in on all my secrets of how a DJD MIX actually makes it to your Ipod! Well, I wish I could say that it’s simple, but it’s not as straight forward as everyone think it might be.
The very first thing is to collect the songs. I only like to use the very latest songs and remixes and when I mean latest, I mean that something that came out 6 month ago is TOO OLD!! So I need to get my hands on all the Fresh stuff before even radio stations and clubs start playing it. It’s a bit like getting up really early to go to the market to get the very best, however I will use older songs if they are REALLY GOOD! First I brows the internet and use hundreds of sites to see what the current top 10’s are in the world. Then I have to start listening to all of them, because they might be in the top 10, but they might not be up to the DJD standard. I listen to about 5 different remixes of each song and then I pick one and buy! That song would then go into a playlist that I call DJD LIBRARY. I go on like this until I have about 30 songs. This can take anything from 2 days to a week, depends on my luck. Then I start going through the library and listen very carefully to each song. Some songs might get deleted and some songs I decided to download different mixes of. Then it’s time to divide them up in two further groups, the DJD IN THE MIX and DJD EXTRA. The songs going in DJD IN THE MIX becomes the official playlist for the next mix and the songs in DJD EXSTRA are left there for the following mix. However, if songs in the DJD EXTRA don’t make it into the following mix, they will get deleted, because they simply get too outdated.
Then it’s time to MIX!! I mix live, so that means that from the beginning to the end of the mix is me mixing and there are NO EDDITING afterwards!! And unfortunately things don’t always work out on the first mix. A Lot of mistakes happen and then I have to start ALL OVER again, so you can just imagine how fed up I get of the first part of the mix, because I have to listen to it over and over. Once the mix is completed, it’s time for the name and the artwork. The name of a mix usually comes from either the main song of the mix or how I felt during a mix, like E.G THE WORLD OF DJD got it’s name from “THE WORLD IS MINE – DAVID GUETTA” and DECSTASY get’s it’s name from me feeling absolutely ecstatic while I was mixing the mix. The artwork obviously has to match the name. I go through 100’s of pictures and edit the colour and pictures to make it fit in with the rest of the DJD collection. When I do a mix, it will always be in WAV format, but that’s a very large file so while I work on the name and the artwork I have to convert the WAV file to MP3 to make it smaller (easier for download) and then I listen to the whole mix without any interruptions to hear for any flaws. Once I am happy with the whole lot, it’s time to load all the information onto the PODCAST. I load my mix, the name, the artwork, the playlist and tags so that it’s easy for people to find my mixes. Once it’s all loaded I look at the final product and if I am happy... IT’S TIME TO LAUNCH!!
And the final thing is to advertise like crazy (as you might have noticed on Facebook) that my new mix has been launched! And then... well, time to start ALL OVER AGAIN! And THAT is how a DJD MIX makes it to YOUR iPod! If you haven’t had the chance to listen to my mixes yet, then go and have a look at

Sunday, 2 November 2008


Hey all,

Can’t believe it’s already November and getting cold. But hopefully this new mix will put you in the dancing mood and keep you warm you up! Again, I went through hundreds of songs to get the perfect playlist together for this mix. It’s full of old classics that have recently been remixed and also brand new tunes. The mix contain some vocals, but not in all the songs. Where I usually start nice and slow and finish quit fast, the change of beat in this mix is not quite so drastic. I said before that I won’t mix Pjanoo again, but I found this remix that I had to use it. It’s been remixed so much that you can’t hear its Pjanoo anymore, so I mixed in the original Pjanoo melody in some parts of the song, just so that you can hear what it is. So, the name then... Well, it’s simple. While on the decks I got so ecstatic about this mix that I thought what better name than, “DECSTASY”!
Hope you enjoy it, and there will be more soon. Click on the title of this story and you will be directed to the Podcast page where you can listen to DECSTASY!
Big Kiss

Monday, 27 October 2008


"DJD AT NIGHT" get it's name from an old time favourite song of mine, "AT NIGHT" The song has been remixed in 2008 and the outcome was great!
There is also GREAT remixes of "LOLA's THEME", "SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE" and "CHILDREN" by Robert Miles. And again, all these remixes are from 2008! It's a very funky mix. Lots of Vocal and quite heavy Electro right in the middle of the mix, but only in one song and then the mix have a great uplift again.


BRING IT ON DJD is one of my favourite mixes. It’s very upbeat and reminds me of dancing the night away at around 6am in the morning in an afterhour’s club. It has great rhythm and it’s great for dancing. The name, “BRING IT ON DJD” came from all the requests I had to do more mixes. I originally decided to do one mix per month, but I ended up doing THREE in October! The finale song, a remix of ENERGY 52 is GREAT!!!


Now this is the one mix which I don’t think is ME! I thought it’s time to experiment a little. Listening to a lot of mixes by other DJ’s and especially those once who are highest on the charts... this was the type of music they were using. So I thought, let’s give it go! I don’t consider it my best work, because I don’t feel that I have put my heart and sole into it. However... the response was good and I have tried something different. Every single tune in this mix have vocal in, so this is where the mix got it’s name from, “DJD VOCAL”


I didn’t have the DJD logo right from the beginning, but I had the idea for it for YEARS!!! I have a tattoo on my back of a D in a SUPERMAN sign, “SUPER D” which comes from my real name, DEWALD. I got the tattoo when I was 27 years old and I always said that the day I become a DJ I will incorporate the DJ in my tattoo design and that will be my LOGO and also my DJ name. So, with a very basic program, PAINT on WINDOWS, I managed to draw up the rough design and this is where my interior architectural designing skills finally paid off! The first sketch was a very rough drawing on paint, then it all got measured out and then it got passed on to SAAR MAOZ who was the APPLE DESIGN EXPERT who put it all together for me. And trust me, it was not a one attempt. It was very difficult to get on the screen what I have in my head and we communicated over email. We never actually sat down together to work on it. But with about 50 emails send back and forth.... we got the end result, the DJD LOGO! Although I was just never happy, because it had to be BETTER than perfect, I really like the design. So, I am happy and poor Saar is stuck in a mental institution for the rest of his life, because I drove him NUTS!!! Thanks Saar for all your trouble. Will come and visit you in hospital over Christmas, LOL


THE WORLD OF DJD was inspired by one of my all time Favourite DAVID GUETTA songs, “THE WORLD IS MINE” It was released in 2004, but even up until today I LOVE that track!
Now it was time to get really serious so I went out and spend a small fortune on proper DJ equipment. So with all my new gear I started playing with the music a little bit more and I mixed in an intro for “THE WORLD IS MINE”
So I guess it’s no secret where this mix gets it’s name from.... “THE WORLD OF DJD”


The third mix was not called “ULTIMATE DJD” originally. It was called “ABSOLUT DJD” and the artwork was of a ABSOLUT VODKA ad, but it was time to get serious and I strike a deal with ITUNES, but they could not accept the artwork of the mix, so it needed to be changed. Although I was quite sad to change the name and the artwork, it had to be done.
So the new name became “ULTIMATE DJD”
This mix also have a great mash up of “PJANOO” and
“4 MINUTES TO SAVE THE WORLD” in and it’s called “4 MIN OF PJANOO” It was produced by my very good friend DJ SUPERSEIYA.


The second mix is called "THE SOUND OF DJD" However... this was not the original name of this mix. I was inspired by my all time favourite Dj, DAVID GUETTA. Now DJ DAVID GUETTA have a record lable that is called:

"F*** ME, I'M FAMOUS!" As this was my second podcast I told my friends that one day, I will be famous, but as I was not famous yet and as David Guetta was the inspiration for the mix, the original mix's name was:

"F*** ME, I'M NEARLY FAMOUS!" However.... I had to change the name due to legal reasons. So it the mix got re-christened to "THE SOUND OF DJD" The finale song of this mix is one of David Guetta's brilliant tunes, "LOVE IS GONE"


THE RHYTHM OF DJD is my very first podcast. After being in Ibiza in June 2008 I was inspired by all the great remixes from the early 2000's. Songs like "Miracle", "Rhythm is a Dancer" and New releases such as "Shine on Me" The choice to mix with was so great that it was almost very wrong NOT too, so I got on decks (virtual decks on a computer program) and started mixing and after many attempts and weeks of practicing.... I created "THE RHYTHM OF DJD"